In this episode of the Energy Transitions podcast, Pamela Largue spoke to Inna Braverman, the CEO and co-founder of Eco Wave Power. Braverman details the development of her company and their technology, the challenges and triumphs encountered on the path to commercialisation, and her personal journey from a girl that no one would listen to, to a well-respected industry pioneer.
In this episode, learn about:
Pamela Largue speaks to Katie Jackson, Executive Vice President, Acquisition & Divestment and New Business Development at Shell and new chair of POWERful WOMEN...
Home to one of the most diverse marine energy testing facilities in the world, the Orkney Islands are a picture of natural beauty, as...
Now that the European Commission has published its proposal for electricity market design reforms, Patrick Bauduin talks to Maria Popova, Director for Carbon Neutrality...